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One Year After Earthquake, Morocco Rebuilds Despite Challenges

Monday, 09 September 2024 15:07
One Year After Earthquake, Morocco Rebuilds Despite Challenges

(Ecofin Agency) - A year has passed since a devastating earthquake hit central Morocco, killing nearly 3,000 people, injuring 5,500, and destroying around 60,000 homes. In response to the tragedy, the Moroccan government, led by King Mohammed VI, acted quickly. A large reconstruction plan was launched, aimed at providing new homes for the victims and restoring the damaged infrastructure.

Today, the rebuilding continues, but it is not without challenges. Still, there are signs of progress.

The Al Haouz province, known for rural tourism, was severely affected by the earthquake. The region’s infrastructure collapsed, leaving its people in uncertainty.

Months of work were needed to clear the rubble, an important first step toward restoring order. Clearing away the debris was more than just removing what was lost—it marked the beginning of rebuilding. However, the difficult terrain of the High Atlas mountains made it hard to reach some of the worst-hit areas, slowing the process and creating logistical problems.

For those who live there, recovery means more than just rebuilding houses. It’s about restoring stability and a sense of safety. The Moroccan government has provided financial aid to more than 97% of the affected families, but delays in distributing the money and complicated paperwork have caused frustration, especially in rural areas.

Tourism, a key industry in the region, was also affected. Over 370 tourist establishments were damaged, but efforts have been made to revive the sector. So far, 51 establishments have reopened, marking the start of recovery.

Morocco's Solidarity Fund for Catastrophic Events has released $300 million to help compensate uninsured victims. This financial support is part of the country’s broader effort to help those affected.

The reconstruction effort isn’t just about rebuilding structures. There is a growing debate about how to restore the region’s buildings while preserving its cultural identity. Some people support using modern materials like concrete, while others, like architect Salima Naji, advocate for traditional materials like stone and adobe (rammed earth). These natural materials, Naji explains, not only honor the region’s history but are practical as well—keeping homes warm in winter and cool in summer. “In the High Atlas, we have an architecture that has stood the test of time. It’s built with local materials—stone, earth, and wood—and it works with the environment,” Naji said in an interview with Tribune.

Morocco is not just recovering from a disaster; it is rebuilding with a vision for the future, blending tradition and modernity while preserving the spirit of the mountains that are so important to its people.

When the earthquake hit on the night of September 8, 2023, Morocco responded quickly and decisively. Drawing on past experiences, like the 2004 Al Hoceima earthquake and the COVID-19 pandemic, the country quickly mobilized. The Royal Armed Forces, civil protection services, and local authorities rushed to the hardest-hit areas, including remote villages in the High Atlas. These teams restored security, treated the injured, and set up temporary shelters for the displaced.

In the days that followed, the nation came together in solidarity. Nonprofits, volunteers, and citizens sent food, water, and medical supplies to the affected areas. Across the country, people showed acts of kindness and generosity.

International support also arrived quickly. Countries like Spain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates sent teams and equipment to assist with clearing debris and rebuilding efforts. This cooperation helped Morocco bounce back, as noted in a report from the World Bank, which praised the country’s resilience in responding to the crisis.

Just weeks after the disaster, Morocco hosted the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Marrakech. This event became a symbol of the nation’s ability to rise above adversity while continuing to strengthen its role on the global stage.

Reconstruction efforts are now in full swing. Over the next five years, the Moroccan government plans to invest MAD120 billion (about $12 billion) into rebuilding key infrastructure like roads, schools, and hospitals. Special care is being given to children, with orphaned kids being named “wards of the nation,” ensuring their future protection.

Morocco, through its prompt and strategic response, has not only demonstrated its ability to face adversity but also reinforced its regional and international standing, as highlighted by the analysis of the Foundation for Strategic Research: "The swift actions of the King of Morocco in deploying relief operations have helped to showcase Morocco's new position in the global arena, characterized by a combination of strategic autonomy and renewed alliances."

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  • communiques: Non
  • couleur: N/A



ECOFIN AGENCY offers a selection of articles translated from AGENCE ECOFIN. Founded in 2011, Agence Ecofin is a leader in Francophone Pan-African economic news, particularly in West and Central Africa. The agency publishes daily news on nine African economic sectors: Public Management, Finance, ICT, Agribusiness, Energy, Mining, Transport & Logistics, Communication, and Training.

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