(Ecofin Agency) - Société équatoriale des mines (Sem) announced that works at its first gold mine started. The mine is located in the Miamizez permit (Ogouee-Ivindo province) which covers an area of 25km2.
In 2015, Sem signed with the Chinese firm Myanning a partnership agreement to start semi-mechanized gold mining at the Miamizez licence, in the Ogooué Ivindo province. Sem intended to improve gold mining processes. The same year, the firm mined 55 kg of gold bringing to 134 kg its total output since 2011 when it started its activities.
Sem wishes to improve the management of Gabon’s natural resources and optimize their exploitation for the country’s social and economic development.
It is in this framework that the government trusted SEM, under the supervision of the Ministry of Mines, the restructuring of artisanal gold mining and made it the sole buyer of the ore. To this end was established the Comptoir Gabonais de Collecte d’Or (Gabonese counter for mined gold), fully owned (100%) by Sem.