(Ecofin Agency) - The government of Togo announced that the draft proposal for the land regulation was discussed at the council of ministers held on December 20, 2016. The discussions aimed to insure that the bill, which is to be examined by the parliamentary, is reviewed to “insure that its components meet international standards”.
“The main texts constituting the backbone of the actual land regulation date from the pre-colonial, colonial periods and from the 60s and 70s. These measures are not really put into application nowadays. Giving rise to many conflicts, the land regulation needs to be amended. The draft proposal for land and domain regulation drawn through a participative process was examined during regional and technical workshops where representatives of the general administration, the justice, civic society, private sector, traditional chieftaincies, associations of housing and land professionals, media and scholars looked at it and made various amendments,” says the government’s official website.
Initially planned to take place from December 6 to 9, 2016, the national land forum will take place “in the coming days” and “provide the opportunity for knowledge and experience sharing, in regards to land management, between African nations”.
Souha Touré