(Ecofin Agency) - Nearly 2,000 households in the communities of Bango, Ngallèle, Sinthiane and Khar Yalla in Senegal have been ordered by Saint-Louis’ prefect Mariama Traoré “to cease all activities and vacate their homes without delay,” PressAfrik said.
“The prefect’s decision might leave about 2,000 families homeless. The official claims the concerned families live illegally on the lands from which they are being evicted, without authorizations or land titles. This is why the order for the residents to vacate the lands without delay was approved,” PressAfrik adds.
The prefecture says the lands occupied are in fact the property of the Senegal Airport Agency (ADS). “If they do not to vacate the premises, we’ll be forced to implement stricter measures,” the prefect said threatening the families.
A threat which seems not to move the residents who are determined to fight to stay, at the cost of their lives if need be. “We will not move an inch. The prefect will have to pass over us. We will fight to keep our lands because we worked hard to get them. Some of us have been living here for over 40 years,” declared the residents’ spokesperson, Yamar Diop.
Souha Touré