(Ecofin Agency) - In Togo, a conflict has emerged between government’s representatives and the people of Masouhoin, Atchanté, Klévé and Kélégouvi over 352 hectares of lands.
The communities whose properties (totaling more than 900 ha) are declared for public use under the decree N°77-83 of March 29, 1977, claim their right to use the 352 hectares given them under the decree n°042/MUL/DGUH of April 5, 2004 issued by the Ministry of Urbanism and Housing. Though they have been heard, the wait paired the various administrative roadblocks exhaust the beneficiaries’ patience who last Wednesday shouted the discontent.
“We don’t want more of our lands taken from us. We’ve been stripped of enough them for projects such as the stadium, FTF’s headquarters, health centers, and this without any compensation. This goes on even now. We want to take back what is ours, our lands, the only legacy, and wealth we have left. We will do so. No matter the cost,” a landowner told website IciLomé.
“The government must return the lands it took from us 40 years ago,” said Komi Kowuni, a member of the 76 communities victims of the expropriation.
The plaintiffs denounce mainly the intervention of “military” and “police agents” that prevent them from proceeding to the allotment of the lands returned them in spite of having in their possession the necessary approvals, orders, and even allotment plan certified by the Urbanism and Housing Office. “On many occasions, we were surprised to see people claiming to be State agents come to requisition our lands for purpose unknown to us. We are denied all operation on our own properties. We, will pursue allotment process, and put our lives in line if need be. We are ready to die. This is final. Nobody will touch our lands anymore. The remaining 352a 66a and 44ca are our own,” said resolved Koudolo Amevon, spokesperson of the landlord communities.
This should part of the discussions at the coming national forum for land which is to begin on December 6, 2016, in Lomé.
Souha Touré