(Ecofin Agency) - Tunisia’s commission of financial analysis (commission tunisienne des analyses financières-CTAF) headquartered at the central bank and whose mission is to combat money laundering and terrorism financing declared that 600 suspicions of financial corruption and suspicious foreign cash flows were sent to it in 2018.
After a review of these declarations, 30 suspicious bank accounts have been frozen and 30 cases sent to the public prosecutor, said Lotfi Hachicha (photo), the general secretary of the CTAF. He also indicated that TND200 million ($66.7 million) sent to be laundered in Tunisia have also been frozen.
Let’s note that the Financial Action Task Force also known by its French name groupe d’action financière (GAFI), is announced to arrive in the coming months in Tunis, Tunisia. It will present the money laundering and terrorism financing environment in the country.
Chamberline Moko