(Ecofin Agency) - The Ivorian parliament has just passed the bill on agricultural orientation of Côte d’Ivoire (LOACI). Otherwise referred to as “Loi Sangafowa”, from the name of the Ivorian minister for Agriculture, this law deals with the issues relating to the development policy of the agricultural world, Abidjan.net reports.
Taking into account the different fields such as animal farming, forestry, fishing and agro-forestry, this law defines the legal framework covering the different policies initiated in the agriculture sector. The document acknowledges the legal status of the farmer, turning into reality a commitment of Mamadou Sangafowa Coulibaly to the Ivorian producers.
According to analysts, passing this legislation will help strengthen the positive dynamic currently achieved by Ivorian agriculture and which allowed the country to reach the top spot in the global cocoa producing market and the second position for cashew nut.