(Ecofin Agency) - Burkina Faso has secured a FCFA19.5 billion grant from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) which will be invested in the life and subsistence segment of the Programme for sustainable growth of pastoralism in the Sahel. This was revealed by the African Press Agency (APA) citing the ministry of economy and finance.
The project aims to “boost animal production and subsequently increase revenues and reduce food insecurity in the Sahel region, by improving the management of natural resources, access to markets and tightening control of trans-border livestock diseases”.
It should directly impact close to 300,000 pastoralists and agro-pastoralists situated in the Northern, Hauts-Bassins, Cascades, Boucle du Mouhoun, Sahel and Eastern regions.
It should be highlighted that Burkina Faso is not the first nation in the Sahel region to benefit from IDB’s support. Last March 24th, the institution indeed provided a FCFA18 billion financing to Senegal for the implementation of the same project in the Kaffrine, Saint-Louis, Tambacounda, Matam and Louga regions. There, the project should benefit 550,000 pastoralists and agro-pastoralists.
Espoir Olodo