(Ecofin Agency) - After a mitigated 2014-2015 almonds season, with output at 95,000 tons (6% down from previous season), Morocco shows good signs for the current season. The country indeed expects a yield of 101,000 tons this year, agrimaroc.ma reports
In case the expectations are met, it would imply that Morocco recorded good weather conditions in the production zones. The forecast happens as price of almond on domestic market is relatively high (140 dirham a Kg), this as a result of drought in California, which supplies 80% of global production.
With about 159,000 hectares dedicated to its cultivation, Almond is Morocco’s second most cultivated fruit. The Souss-Massa and Taza El Hoceima-Taounate regions are the country’s major almond production basins.
Aaron Akinocho