(Ecofin Agency) - Agromillora Moyen-Orient (AMO) is a Jordan-based firm established by Tunisian investors. It specializes in the production and commercialization of fruit tree seedlings, TAP agency reveals.
By installing in Jordan, the Tunisian businessmen who hold 65% of the company’s capital intend to strategically position themselves in the Middle-Eastern markets. As a matter of fact, the firm is to serve Iraq, Saoudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Lyban.
In the presence of Tunisian Prime Minister Habib Essid who commissioned AMO’s facilities, Khaled Dridi highlighted the challenges which prevented the firm from being implemented in Tunisia. These consist mainly of the lack in product-handling services to Middle-East and the high rates to which the sector’s actors are confronted.
AMO presently produces 3 million seedlings but plans to double this output by “relying on Tunisian skills”, its director said.
Aaron Akinocho