(Ecofin Agency) - The Swiss cooperation just provided Burkina Faso a 1.6 billion FCFA funding. It will be used to purchase affordable, good quality agricultural fertilizers.
The funding comes under the “fertilizers’ section of the scheme to support modernization of households’ agro-pastoral exploitations (PAMEFA). The scheme is to be implemented over three years. According to Burkina’s minister of agriculture François Lompo, this initiative “adds to the efforts invested by the State to make fertilizers available and establish a dynamic private sector which will be able to meet the needs of rural areas”.
APA indicates that the implementation of PAMEFA will befall the Burkinabe branch of the International Fertilizers’ Development Centre (IFDC), which will assisted by Small and Large Scale Fertilizer Retailers Association (AGRODIA) and the Cooperative for Commercialization of Agricultural material and fertilizers (COCIMA).
Aaron Akinocho