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Vodacom Partners South African Governments to Launch Smart City Solutions

Sunday, 29 September 2024 09:09
Vodacom Partners South African Governments to Launch Smart City Solutions

(Ecofin Agency) - Smart city initiatives can stimulate local economies by attracting investments and creating jobs. Improved infrastructures and services can enhance the quality of life, making cities more appealing to businesses and residents alike.

Vodacom Business announced on september 26th a collaboration with South Africa local governments, aimed at deploying smart city solutions across the country. This initiative is part of a five-year Transversal Contract with the National Treasury, designed to enhance service delivery through technology in critical sectors such as utilities, healthcare, education, and security.

“We aim to use our experience and expertise in understanding governments needs to achieve their smart city goals” said the Director of Vodacom Business, Videsha Proothveerajh. The partnership will leverage digital solutions to streamline operations and improve the lives of citizens.

Vodacom's smart utilities management system uses connected smart meters to provide real-time consumption data, facilitating accurate billing and revenue collection for municipalities. Additionally, the company has launched a Citizen Engagement app, allowing residents to communicate with local authorities and track service requests.

In healthcare, Vodacom's Stock Visibility Solution helps facilities monitor stock levels, while the AitaHealth platform empowers community health workers to deliver preventive care. The Computer Aided Dispatch system enables effective tracking of ambulance requests.

In education, Vodacom has developed digital solutions to support e-admissions and enhance communication among schools and government bodies. The firm is also implementing IoT security solutions, including body-worn cameras and real-time firearm tracking, to improve public safety.

According to the latest mid-year estimates for 2024 by Statistics South Africa, the population of the country has exceeded 63 millions. With this rapidly growing population, the demand for efficient public services will intensify. Implementing digital solutions such as Vodacom Business' smart city technologies becomes critical to ensure that municipalities can cope with the increased pressure on infrastructure and resources.

These solutions help streamline service delivery, improve public sector efficiency, and ultimately enhance the quality of life for South Africa's expanding urban population.

Hikmatu Bilali



Public Management

ECOFIN AGENCY offers a selection of articles translated from AGENCE ECOFIN. Founded in 2011, Agence Ecofin is a leader in Francophone Pan-African economic news, particularly in West and Central Africa. The agency publishes daily news on nine African economic sectors: Public Management, Finance, ICT, Agribusiness, Energy, Mining, Transport & Logistics, Communication, and Training.

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