(Ecofin Agency) - CcHub, a major innovation incubator in Africa, announced it is offering financing along with technical support to technology projects aiming at curbing the covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the continent.
Bosun Tijani, CEO of the company headquartered in Lagos and Nairobi, said a call for projects is currently opened for this purpose. CcHub will provide between $5,000 and $10,000 to companies that come up with covid-19 related projects in the areas of last-mile communication, support to infected and vulnerable people, production of essential medical supplies and support to disrupted food supply chains.
Mr. Tijani hopes CcHub could use its network and resources to prevent the propagation of the virus and thus limit damages in Africa. He fears that the continent could not resist if ever it gets to the level of Italy or the UK.
“Some governments in Africa are taking action, but the focus in Africa has been on the port of entry measures, which isn’t reliable […] We don't have the health systems to contain it. We don't have the welfare system that can work for the most vulnerable, such as the elderly. We don't manufacture most of these medical supplies and our food [supply-chain] is not reliable,” said Tijani.