(Ecofin Agency) - In Burkina Faso, the IT sector is a key priority for national development, the prime minister Christophe Dabiré indicated at the national assembly on February 18, 2019, while presenting his government’s overall policy.
According to Christophe Dabiré, the government will accelerate “the construction of a virtual university and regional digital spaces. The ambition is to train qualified executives able to give great impetus to the development of our economy”. He added that he will also promote “the development of scientific research oriented towards technological innovation” via the creation of IT poles of excellence. Projects initiated in the sector will also be continued.
“Our action will target the development of the broadband offer for broadband internet access across the whole country. The government’s ambition is to guarantee access to quality electronic communications for citizens, firms and the government to let them take full advantage of digital capabilities,” the prime minister indicated talking of his government’s ambition for the internet.