(Ecofin Agency) - In Cote d’Ivoire, the Junior Chamber International (JCI) is mustering all efforts to improve land management in the country. Its Bouaflé office, in the central western region has, in this framework, organized last Saturday a seminary themed “strategy for a sustainable land management in Cote d’Ivoire”.
“The Junior Chamber wishes to definitely end this phenomenon,” said the unit’s executive president, Koné Fatoumata, in an interview with Agence Ivoirienne de Presse (AIP), referring to poor land management.
“At the meeting gathered about 30 members of the organization from Bouaflé, Daloa, Gagnoa, Man, Duékoué, Séguéla, Soubré and San-Pedro, and various topics were covered. Amongst these, a general overview of Cote d’Ivoire and history of rural land in the country, a diagnosis of existing land management structures, challenges in the management of rural land and recommendations to the State, remote communities, civic society, and also to development partners and community leaders,” AIP reports.
Souha Touré