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Guinea : Works at Siguiri gold mine halted

Thursday, 30 August 2018 16:21

(Ecofin Agency) - The operations of Siguiri gold mine, owned by SAG, a subsidiary of AngloGold Ashanti, has been stopped this week, following a strike launched on 28, August 2018.

Among the strikers’ grievances is the demand that the mine be retrieved from the expatriates, who have already spent more than four years there, and entrusted to Guineans ; same thing for Ghanaian workers in charge of the mine’s extension works.

We are asking the departure of the Ghanaian who is actually the mine’s manager (Ed. Note : Mohamed Touba Dansoko) to be replaced by the Guinean who was occupying that position. We also require the departure of all the Ghanaians working at the mine”, Tidiane Touré, the general secretary of the syndicate of SAG workers, said in a statement reported by News de Guinée.

SAG confirmed in a statement that some workers were on strike. It also asked workers who are unwilling to take part in those strikes to continue their work.

On another note, let’s remind that in 2017, Siguiri mine produced 324,000 ounces of gold, an increase of 25% on a year on year basis.



Public Management

ECOFIN AGENCY offers a selection of articles translated from AGENCE ECOFIN. Founded in 2011, Agence Ecofin is a leader in Francophone Pan-African economic news, particularly in West and Central Africa. The agency publishes daily news on nine African economic sectors: Public Management, Finance, ICT, Agribusiness, Energy, Mining, Transport & Logistics, Communication, and Training.

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