(Ecofin Agency) - Randgold Resources still works to achieve its goals to extend the lifespan of its Tongon mine ine Ivory Coast.
During a press conference held last Saturday, the firm’s CEO, Mark Bristow (photo), declared that the mine is on the right track to achieve forecast output of 285,000 ounces, adding that the company is focusing on exploration to secure new reserves and resources. Actually, the various exploration programmes carried out to this end helped identify a significant mineralization target at Boundiali, in the Fonondara corridor.
“The company has just completed its yearly review of its exploration targets . . . [which also] highlighted very positive results from its other holdings in the country, underlining again Côte d’Ivoire’s exceptional prospectivity,” Bristow said.
Randgold holds in Ivory Coast the Nielle license which it obtained in 1996 and which hosts the Tongon project.
Louis-Nino Kansoun