(Ecofin Agency) - LSE-listed mining company, Caledonia Mining, which operates on the Blanket gold mine in Zimbabwe, said it plans to produce 60,000 ounces of gold in 2017, and by 2021, an average annual output of 80,000 Ounces. To achieve this, the firm relies on a major program launched at Blanket, during which it will mine the ore at a depth of more than 750m.
Meanwhile, the firm declared a quarterly dividend of $ 0.01375, thus remaining one of the few junior mining listed on the London Stock Exchange able to pay its investors.
“The continued payment of dividends to our shareholders is a key component of our strategy as we invest in future production growth and we are particularly proud of being able to continue to pay a healthy dividend whilst we invest in expanding production”, said CEO Steve Curtis.
Caledonia Mining holds 49% of the Blanket gold project.
Louis-Nino Kansoun