(Ecofin Agency) - Mali’s national coordination of farmers’ organizations (CNOP) organized last April 17 a sharing and dissemination workshop on the agriculture land law, for about twenty journalists and media professionals, Maliweb reports.
The goal is to promote a better assimilation of the recent law that came into force a year ago in April 2017. “The law No. 2017-001 of 11 April 2017 on agricultural land was deliberated and adopted by the National Assembly, at its meeting of March 31, 2017, and promulgated by the President of the Republic. The decree on this law already exists, but it remains the ministerial order,” the website indicated.
According to Brahima Traoré, representative of the Investment Agency for the Promotion of Family Farms, “the major innovations of the law on agricultural land will make it possible, among other things, to effectively decentralize agricultural land management, involve local populations in this management through the establishment of land commissions, effectively secure individual and collective land rights of family farms and monitor, while evaluating, the implementation of the agricultural land policy through the national land observatory”.