(Ecofin Agency) - In DR Congo, the new land affairs minister, DR. Felix Kabange Numbi, proceeded on January 9 to a field visit in the Ngaliema district, West of Kinshasa. The news was reported by the Central Africa News Agency.
Offices of fiscal and technical cadaster, surveying, registering and notaries were visited by the official who was followed by the Secretary General, the Keeper of Property Deeds, the Head of Cadaster as well as few other senior officers. The visit help identify some of the challenges that the sector faces. These include insufficient digitalization and computerization of property deeds. Following the visit, a major meeting was held in the presence of officials mentionned ealier, the Agency said.
Established in April 2016, Ngaliema is one of ten land registry districts to manage Kinshasa.
Souha Touré