(Ecofin Agency) - In Cote d’Ivoire, state agents who sold public properties will be prosecuted, the government decided in a council of ministers held on June 7.
“Most of the lands were sold before 2011 and it even happened that some of the plots or State properties were sold to private operators very cheaply under opaque conditions. This is harmful to Cote d’Ivoire. Those behind this practice behaved in a way that does not take into account the State’s interests and those that sold the properties for their own benefit will surely be prosecuted,” said government’s spokesperson and minister Bruno Nabagné Koné.
Amongst sales the government is looking into are that of the land of the Ecole Supérieure Africaine des Technologies de l’Information et la Communication (ESATIC) for FCFA78 million, as well as that hosting the headquarters of the Ivorian Press Agency, for FCFA30 million.
Besides these lands which were recovered by the State, the ministers’ council declared many others as public. This in a framework of a recovery operation which should not disadvantage those that acquired the properties in good faith. “The lands which were declared to be public will be recovered by the State. Those that rightfully own the lands will however perceive a compensation in the process,” the minister said.
Souha Touré