(SNPC) - The Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo (SNPC) will assume the presidency of the African Petroleum Producers Organisation (APPO)’s next meeting. This was agreed upon by the organization’s members when they convened in Algier this week for the 4th meeting of the National Oil Companies’ CEOs, members of the organization. Chaired by Mr. Toufik Hakkar, CEO of Sonatrach, the Algiers meeting put on the table several critical points for cooperation and collaboration between the various National Oil Companies (NOCs), members of the APPO.
The African Petroleum Producers Organisation (APPO) members were able, among other matters, to discuss the future establishment of an African Investment Bank in partnership with Afreximbank, cross-border and regional infrastructure, and the consideration of local content in the various National Oil Companies. They are planning their next meeting in six months' time, in Brazzaville, to discuss African oil industry matters further and make decisions on the organization's policies and strategies. The meeting will be hosted by Mr. Maixent Raoul Ominga, Director General of SNPC.
In light of this announcement, the Director General of SNPC, Mr. Maixent Raoul Ominga, stated: "I am pleased to announce that the Société Nationale de Pétrole Congo (SNPC) will host the 5th meeting of the African Petroleum Producers Organisation (APPO). I am confident that the upcoming meeting will be as productive and fruitful as the previous ones and will continue to promote cooperation, harmonization, and development for all NOCs members of the APPO. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Algerian counterparts for their hospitality and warm welcome. We look forward to welcoming all APPO member delegations to Brazzaville very soon.”
APPO Secretary General Dr. Omar Farouk said : "We are pleased to hand over the rotating presidency to Mr. Maixent Raoul Ominga and the Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo. We look forward to meeting again soon in Brazzaville and continuing the excellent work of the African Oil Producers' Organisation. We are on the right track, and I am confident that we will continue to move our sector forward by walking down this promising path. On behalf of the APPO Secretariat, I thank Mr. Maixent Raoul Ominga and the SNPC for their dedication and commitment.”
On the sidelines of the meeting, Sonatrach's management organised visits and working sessions with the SNPC delegation. The conclusions of these talks on issues inherent to the sector are set out in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and a roadmap to be submitted for signature by the two Directorates General.
About the SNPC :
Created on 23 April 1998, the Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo (SNPC) is a national oil company whose mission is to contribute to the development and efficient management of the Congolese oil heritage, with the mission of exploring, exploiting, developing, and distributing hydrocarbons in the Congo, in partnership with international companies.
About APPO (African Petroleum Producers Organisation):
The African Petroleum Producers Organisation (APPO) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1987 in Lagos, Nigeria, to coordinate and harmonize the oil policies of African countries. Its main objective is to promote cooperation among African oil-producing countries and to strengthen their collective bargaining power in the global oil and gas industry.
APPO's membership includes 18 African countries, including Algeria, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, South Sudan, Sudan, Tunisia, and Zambia. The organization is governed by a Council of Ministers composed of each member state's Ministers of Energy or Petroleum. The Council of Ministers meets regularly to discuss issues related to the African petroleum industry and to make decisions on the policies and strategies of the organization.