(Ecofin Agency) - In Tunisia, the production of tomato paste is set to reach a record level of 175,000 metric tons this year. A performance which is to be attributed to the increase in areas dedicated to the cultivation of this fruit which went from 18,000 metric tons to 20,000 metric tons this year, as well as the upwards revision of the tomato price.
Indeed, with a reference price of 147 millimes/kilogram, tomato has regained its popularity with the farmers. However, this renewed interest hides with difficulty the troubles of this sector, undermined by problems such as the high costs of production, the weak contracts between producers and industrials or the lack of labour.
Even though the tomato paste production has increased to approximately 65,000 metric tons for the current season, it is worth noting that the country only transforms a small quantity of its total production which should be of about 800,000 metric tons this season.