(Ecofin Agency) - Aiming to improve the quality of its cattle species, Cote d’Ivoire plans to crossbreed them with French species. Ivorian minister of livestock and fisheries, Adjoumani Kouassi Kobénan, made the announcement at the Agricultural International Tradefair (SIA) which is currently taking place in Paris, France.
“We appreciate the progress that has been made in France.What attracted us to this fair just as to the SARA (Salon de l’Agriculture et des Ressources Animales d’Abidjan), is our livestock. Our goal is to emulate what is being done in France through a private/private partnership,” the official said. He added that while cattle in France could reach an average of 1,500 kg, Cote d’Ivoire, for its part, would be satisfied with 1,000 kg.
Regarding progress made on the project, the minister said his team was already building partnerships so as to obtain the French species required for the crossbreeding.
Aaron Akinocho