(Ecofin Agency) - From sugar to maize, it is a change which can be triggered by drought. Indeed, Goodall Gondwe, Minister of Finance of Malawi, just announced that government would try to motivate Illovo Sugar to grow the crop, under contract, over vast arable lands. This move, which was suggested at the parliament, aims to decrease food deficit in the country next year.
This year, the country had to import 33,000 tons of maize and locally purchase 22,000 tons in order to meet its demand. Malawi, just like many other Southern African countries is currently suffering from drought as a consequence of the El Nino phenomenon. The country’s food status is such that Deputy Dzoole Mwale hesitated not to ask that government categorizes the country ‘hunger-stricken’.
It is to be reminded that South African Illovo Sugar is the main sugar producer of the region. .