(Ecofin Agency) - At the end of the third quarter 2015, the activity of Société des Caoutcoucs du Grand-Bereby was marked by a drop of 8% in the selling price of rubber and a decrease of 11% in the selling price of raw palm oil, compared the previous year. All things which led to a decrease in its turnover.
This negative impact however was limited to -6.6%, thanks to a slight increase in volumes sold (+3.5% for raw palm oil and +1.3% for rubber). In these conditions, the revenue of the company for the period reached FCfa 40.3 billion. Moreover, the strict control of expenses enabled the company to register an increase of 15.3% in the ordinary activity result and an increase of 25.6% in the net result which was posted at FCfa 4 billion against FCfa 3.2 billion for the same period in 2014.
For the last quarter the company remains guarded on its prospects. “At the beginning of this 4th quarter, the international market prices for rubber remain low. This phenomenon will have a negative impact on the turnover of this company”, it explained in its financial communication.