(Ecofin Agency) - The Injaro Investments fund, focused on West Africa has just announced its second investment in Malian agriculture. Through Injaro Agricultural Capital Holdings (IACH), the fund is betting Comptoir 2000, a local seed producer.
Though the amount of the investment was not revealed, we however know that the partnership will enable this company to improve the varieties of seeds produced, expand its distribution network and boost its efficiency thanks to a total overhaul of its organisation.
Reforms which do not frighten Issa Dembelé, founder and Managing Director of Comptoir 2000 who declared: "We are confident that this funding and the operational support from Injaro as well its technical support and its vast knowledge of the agriculture value chains in West Africa will greatly improve our prospects".
On Injaro's side, there is the belief of being able to positively impact on the yields of small producers via this investment, and eventually, to get a good return on investment.
Created in 1990, Comptoir 2000 was first engaged in the distribution of agricultural inputs before focusing on the production of seeds at the turn of the millennium.