(Ecofin Agency) - Africa’s agricultural sector is mainly driven by Ethiopia and Ivory Coast according to report recently released by Consulting firm Havas Horizons. The survey which assessed the opinions of 55 major financial and banking institutions based on the continent, lists the top five leading African nations in terms of agriculture.
While 90% of the population surveyed believe the African agriculture is very promising, 43% of them think Ivory Coast and Ethiopia are best prepared to face the various challenges opposing the sector. These include infrastructure, access to market, processing and industrialization as well.
Looking at Ivory Coast, it is one of the major actors of the agricultural sector in Africa. It holds a key position in the commodity supply market. It is the world’s leading cocoa and cashew producer as well the seventh largest natural rubber producer.
As for Ethiopia, Africa’s second most populous country, agriculture contributes 45% of its gross domestic product (GDP). It is the world’s fifth largest coffee producer and second largest African producer of cut flowers, and has a very dynamic agrofood industry. It should be noted that in the latter, the nation has implemented various policies that promote export-oriented industrialization, including various tax and non-tax incentives.
Ranked (38% of surveyed institutions) immediately behind these two countries is Kenya. Then comes Morocco (23% of surveyed) at the third position and Cameroon-Nigeria at the fourth position with 20% of the favorable opinions. Closing Havas’ top five is Senegal (16%).
Surprisingly, South Africa is absent from this ranking despite being the continent’s leading economy. It stands at the sixth position which it shares with Egypt and Ghana (with 13% of population surveyed).
Espoir Olodo