(Ecofin Agency) - To overcome its deficit in fish products, Cote d’Ivoire must boost its local production. This was the main component of the message of Ivorian Prime Minister Daniel Kablan Duncan at the occasion of the opening of the Second African Conference on Tuna.
“Fish production is below the local demand,” the official said while highlighting that his nation whose inhabitants consume 11-14 kg of fishery products per year, on an individual basis, produced only 56,000 tons and imported about 381,000 tons, in 2015. He therefore urged businesses to turn to this sector and make it another driver for the economy’s growth.
However, Jacques Brullet, President of the Organisation committee of the conference, recalling tha Africa got 60% of tuna it consumes from Europe, suggested that the sector considers all the challenges it faces as opportunities to grow.
Aaron Akinocho