(Ecofin Agency) - The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) just announced it has granted Benin a funding of $28.5 million to implement its market gardening development support project (PADMAR).The project will allow the development of market gardening in seven departments located in the Southern and Central parts of Benin.
Total investment for the project is $49.2 million. It will lead to the creation of 3,000 jobs and will benefit 17,000 producers’ households by boosting their production capacity and give them access to market prices. Luyaku Nsimpasi who heads the project says IFAD’s support is based on the country’s potentialities. “Market gardening can help create more jobs. The market exists in Benin and other countries of the sub-region, Nigeria especially,” he said.
Benin’s government will be investing $4.8 million in the project while its beneficiaries will provide $3.9 million. Additionally, $12 million are expected to finalize the project.
Aaron Akinocho