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Public Management

Senegal Launches Review of Strategic Contracts in Mining and Oil Sectors

Monday, 26 August 2024 15:11
Senegal Launches Review of Strategic Contracts in Mining and Oil Sectors

(Ecofin Agency) - Agence Sénégalaise de Presse (APS) reported that several major multinational companies operating in various sectors in Senegal have signed agreements with the state, some of which date back several years.

Senegal is looking to re-examine its contracts with various partners in strategic sectors. To this end, Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko has established a commission to "defend the country's interests."

"The creation of this commission comes from the President of the Republic's commitment to honor the promise we made long ago as an opposition party. We have regretted and strongly criticized the way agreements and conventions have been signed, often at the expense of Senegal's strategic interests," Sonko said, as reported by the Senegalese Press Agency.

According to Sonko, the agreements under review mainly involve the mining, tax, and oil sectors. "The first task will be to review these agreements based on their legal foundation and ensure they comply with the relevant legal texts."

"Contrary to what some have said," he added, "our approach has never been to dismantle everything, overhaul everything, or nationalize everything. Our goal is to work scientifically, rigorously, and methodically on all aspects of these agreements, with the legal aspect being our first focus."




ECOFIN AGENCY offers a selection of articles translated from AGENCE ECOFIN. Founded in 2011, Agence Ecofin is a leader in Francophone Pan-African economic news, particularly in West and Central Africa. The agency publishes daily news on nine African economic sectors: Public Management, Finance, ICT, Agribusiness, Energy, Mining, Transport & Logistics, Communication, and Training.

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